And my mother is coming to town on Saturday to celebrate her 90th birthday, meaning I had to clean up the hovel a bit, change the sheets in the guest room so they would be nice and fresh, and generally, fret about picking her up at the airport. We're all going to her favorite Mexican food restaurant on Saturday night, and on Sunday we'll be going to Frisco TX to see the new baby in the family.
Sounds daunting, even if you don't have lupus, doesn't it? And with my auto-immune disease, I need to take good care of myself, and rest when I can. Stay away from stress....heh. Besides all this birthday bash stuff, I'm gearing up to fly to CA to visit my daughter for her birthday. And I hate flying. No stress there, lol. And once I get there, I have to face flying back home.
So, I've learned all the "rules" for living with lupus. I know what to do. But when life is so full of challenges, it's another stressor.
Fibromyalgia has reared its ugly head recently, too. As if I don't have enough to cope with. My rheumy suggested I increase the Flexeril at night, and it seems to be helping. I'm supposed to call him next week (It will be two weeks, then, since he suggested that) and let him know how that's working. He also prescribed a pain patch, which I have yet to pick up at the pharmacy. It might work on my arms, which hurt after a full day at the keyboard. Maybe I should give up on the other mantra in my life: BICHOK -- butt in chair, hands on keyboard. At least, not so often. Yeah, right.....:)
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